Inservice Practicum Plan

The process for securing your endorsement practicum placement and mentor: 

1: Check in with your program director to be sure you have permission to register for the correct practicum course. Please register for the practicum on WebAdvisor before filling out this practicum plan form. 
2: Fill out this practicum plan form. Based on the practicum plan, the placement coordinator requests and verifies the placement with your school principal and your requested mentor. 
3: The placement coordinator notifies the program director when the placement is confirmed.
4: The program director reaches out to the candidate and mentor, and assigns a supervisor. 

NOTE: Lewis & Clark must request your practicum placement on your behalf. While you may ask a colleague if they can support you as a mentor in your practicum, your practicum placement is not official until we have gone through our request and verification process.

If you have any questions about this form, please reach out to Michael Sarno at
Contact Details

must end in

Requested Practicum Plan

Academic Years start in Summer and extend through Spring. If you are starting a placement in Summer or Fall, the year of your placement starting year will be on the left of the Academic Year, if your placement starts in Spring, your placement starting year will be on the right of the Academic Year

Placement Preference

Please fill out this section as completely as you are able at this time. If you do not have a placement preference, please contact your advisor if you have not already done so to discuss options.